Aug 2023


1.    11813 Rossmayne, Replace privacy fence along the rear property line with 4ft wood picket fence to cure violation. APPROVED


2.    12106 Shady Forest, Exterior paint, Body=Eagle Ridge ECC-46-2, Trim & Garage door=White Feather ECC-56-2, Canyon View ECC-20-1. APPROVED


3.    9703 Sunnyoak, Painting the garage door only to white EBEBE9 to the same color as the trim of the windows. APPROVED with a stipulation that the garage door must match the trim color.


4.    9709 Glenpointe-Replace wood privacy fence (135 LF of fencing) with wood fence panels/gate hardware. NOT APPROVED. The property survey doesn’t show nor does the application say what section of the old fence on property being replaced.


5.    9302 Dresden, Seeking ARC approval for the fence that was installed. NOT APPROVED, no property survey provided showing what section of the old fence on property being replaced.


6.    11906 Timberhill, Replace both side front facing fence and repair the side yard fence. APPROVED by BOD